5 Family Resolutions for the New Year

family resolutions

Lose weight. Exercise more. Be more productive with your time. Chances are, you’ve made at least one, if not all, of these common New Year’s Resolutions in the past. There’s nothing specifically wrong with them, but they are all very self-focused. What if this year, you made New Year’s Resolutions together with your family? Here are five resolutions that could lead to improved health and happiness for you and yours in 2020.

1. Schedule one family activity every week.

When you have kids, your schedule fills up quickly. You might list things you’d like to do one day when things slow down, but will things ever really slow down? In reality, if something is important to you, then you need to make time for it. Prioritize it above anything else.

This is the way you can resolve to treat family time in 2020. Dedicate yourself to scheduling one family activity each week. Some weeks you can do something simple like play board games, and other weeks you can take a trip to the zoo or a local park. Regardless, everyone has to participate — no ifs, ands, or buts.

2. Practice better dental care.

It’s easy to let toothcare slide when you’re busy, but if you resolve to tackle this as a family, you may have better luck sticking to better dental habits. Schedule your two annual dental cleanings and checkups for the whole family right now, so you don’t forget. Then, get in the habit of brushing your teeth together every morning when you get up. It will become a fun ritual, and your teeth will be all the better for it.

3. Eat a vegetarian meal once a week.

You don’t have to go full-vegetarian, but eating one meatless meal a week can be great for your health. With vegetarian ingredients like beans and veggies, you will boost your intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Have each family member search for and submit a couple of vegetarian recipes they want to try, and cook them together to make this more of a family affair. Little ones are more likely to try unfamiliar foods if they helped prepare them.

4. Always say “goodbye” and “I love you.”

Make sure you hold your loved ones close and appreciate them while they are still here. As a family, make a simple resolution to always say “goodbye” and “I love you” before leaving the house, parting ways, or hanging up the phone. This will help set a tone of thankfulness and appreciation throughout your home.

5. Make evenings phone-free time.

If you feel smartphones are getting in the way of your family time, resolve to set your phones aside after a certain time in the evening — maybe 7:00 or 8:00. Don’t make any exceptions; you have to follow this rule, too, if you expect your kids to follow it.

These New Year’s Resolutions are perfect for families large and small. Have a Happy New Year, and don’t forget to schedule your upcoming dental appointments!

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