Should You Pull Out that Loose Tooth?

Missing teeth

It’s an exciting time for kids, Their “big” teeth are finally coming in.

We know it’s coming, we’ve been there. Starting around age 6 with the front teeth, or incisors, and continuing through about age 12 when the molars are finally replaced, we know our kids are going to be losing their first set of teeth. It can be scary for children and even as parents not wanting to see your children in pain.

So…Should you pull the loose tooth?

First In, First Out

Kids usually lose teeth in about the same order they get them. The front teeth go first, usually around age six or seven. When a permanent tooth starts coming in, the roots of the baby tooth dissolve until it is loose enough to fall out painlessly and with very little blood.

The Natural Way

Baby teeth provide the path for the permanent or adult teeth. Aside from that, baby teeth are important as a child is learning to speak and make facial expressions on top of allowing them to chew food for proper digestion.

In general, if you and your child can handle the inconvenience, it’s best not to pull a loose tooth, but rather let them wiggle it until it falls out on its own. This will minimize the pain and bleeding associated with the loss of the tooth.

As part of the natural course of events, the first teeth must come out to make way for the adult teeth to come in. Generally, this occurs without issue, except for the apprehension that surrounds the potential for pain and bleeding sometimes associated with pulling the teeth out. Let’s look at why this may happen.

What should I do if my child knocks out a tooth accidentally? 


Baby teeth, for the most part, know when they’re supposed to come out. At first, incisors become “wobbly,” and children often find it a fascinating. Pulling a tooth prematurely can result in pain and bleeding as the tissue is not quite to the stage of letting go. Children are the only ones know absolutely know how loose their tooth is.

With bleeding there may also be a chance of infection. There is some risk of spacing problems or crowding of teeth with these first baby teeth. At any talking with your dentist is the best way to catch and correct any issues.

Avoid the Hollywood Production

Forcing a tooth out that isn’t loose enough is not a great plan to keep your kid’s mouth safe and healthy.  Avoid tying loose teeth to cars, baseballs, dogs, rockets is fun to watch but not worth the risk. When the loose tooth is ready, you’ll know.

It’s Finally Time

The more “wobbly” a tooth becomes, the closer it is to falling out on its own. A tissue or piece of gauze placed over a loose tooth is enough to create sufficient grip and pull the loose tooth.

If there is ever any concern about a loose tooth, consulting your dentist is the best course of action.

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