Getting Your Child to Care About Their Teeth

Getting Your Child to Care About Their Teeth

Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Parents can help children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums by modeling good behavior, developing good habits at an early age, and scheduling regular dental visits.

Continuing with National Children’s Dental Health Month, we want to give you some ways to improve your children’s oral health. 

Make sure to cover the basics of good oral health with brushing and flossing.

Teach and Reteach

Explain how to brush and floss and how those actions keep teeth clean and healthy.

Patients is important as you’ll most likely have to repeat yourself a few times.

Let them ask questions, and make sure to answer in ways they understand.

Show Them How to Brush and Floss

Answer their questions by showing them.

Sometimes using a stuffed animal can help you demonstrate.

Do and Keep Doing

Help them form the habit of good oral health by creating a routine together.

If they’re young enough, help children brush their teeth in the morning and before bed.

If they’re older, just brushing your teeth at the same time is a great way to show them. They’ll watch you and self correct often.

You can always point out ways to improve in positive ways by waving at them in the mirror and demonstrating.

Let Them know they’re doing a good job!


Make sure your child uses a child-sized toothbrush and toothpaste made for children.

Make it easier to build good habits, try floss picks.


Are you ready to teach your kids how to care for their teeth?

Need a script to start with these? Read 5 Steps to Brushing Teeth Properly for Kids

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