Risk Factors for Gingivitis: Part 2


Gingivitis can easily lead to the more serious condition of gum disease. One of the best ways to step up and work to prevent gingivitis is by learning what factors put you at greater risk for the condition. So here are the final 7 circumstances that increase your risk of getting gingivitis:

1. Genetics

Unfortunately, being at risk for gingivitis is linked to your genetics. That means that if your other family members have suffered from gingivitis you might be next. So if the condition runs in your family, make sure you’re taking extra steps to keep your teeth healthy like maintaining a well-balanced diet, committing to a daily oral health routine, and making regular visits to your dentist.

2. Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding or clenching your teeth doesn’t just hurt your jaw or wear down your pearly whites. It can affect the enamel of your teeth and push them harshly into your gums, putting a strain on your teeth’s supporting tissue. If you’re a night grinder, look into getting a proper mouth guard. For those who clench during the daytime due to stress, find a way to relieve that stress and ditch that bad habit. At the end of the day, your teeth will thank you.

3. Unhealthy Oral Hygiene

A regular dental hygiene routine cannot be stressed enough. Skipping out on brushing your teeth or forgetting to floss can easily lead to gingivitis. That’s why you need to make sure you brush every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. After you’ve brushed, follow up with floss to make sure you rid your mouth of any plaque or extra food particles clinging to your teeth and gums. Just remember, a hygienic mouth is a healthy mouth.

4. Obesity

Obesity isn’t just the leading cause of heart disease. It affects the rest of your body too—including your mouth. Your oral health is directly affected by what you eat. A diet low in nutrients can lower your immune system making you at risk for a number of diseases and illnesses. Even worse, your body will have a harder time fighting off these infections. Nutrition is connected to the health of your gums. So keep your body healthy to keep your mouth healthy too.

5. Crooked Teeth

The sad fact is crooked teeth are harder to clean. They don’t brush nicely right in a row and they can easily develop hard to remove plaque and trap food particles. At the end of the day, straight teeth aren’t just a cosmetic fix they genuinely help maintain the health of your teeth too. So consider a professional straightening method, or if you love your crooked smile, make sure you clean every tooth properly.

6. Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, your hormones are all over the place, and surprisingly enough, that can affect your teeth. Your gums may become so sensitive that the inflammation is actually referred to as “pregnancy gingivitis.” So stay on your “A” game with your oral health routine and keep your dentist in the loop if you experience any sensitivity or other problems.

7. Dry Mouth

Believe it or not, saliva is actually good for your oral health. Saliva works to rinse out sugar and other food from your entire mouth. It’s there to protect your oral health and even strengthen your enamel. So make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water because dry mouth will definitely put you at greater risk for gingivitis.

Now that you know all of the risk factors, you can find ways to work against any of them that may apply to you. So feel free to speak with our dental staff about further ways to protect yourself and your children from gingivitis, and don’t forget to refer back to Risk Factors for Gingivitis: Part 1.

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