Summer Internships Provide Firsthand Experience

Summer Internships Provide Students with Firsthand Experience

Not only are internships a great way for students to gain experience and more information about their future careers, but it can also help them decide which field is the right fit for them.

A student from Michigan State University shares her story about how her summer internship completely changed her career path into something she did not plan on doing but ended up loving.

“Whether it is a semester long or multiple semesters, the first-hand experience a student can gain in a field of their interest can ultimately prove to be the difference between getting hired out of college and going back to their old part-time job.”

Students to gain experience

We think it’s awesome when students take initiative towards their future careers and that’s exactly what getting an internship does.

Check out the article below for how much an internship could change your life.

Summer Internships Give Firsthand Experience

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