Breakfast Boosts Learning

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Breakfast Boosts Learning

You have probably been told more than once in your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and guess what?


Is skipping breakfast bad?

All of those people were right! Hundreds of Americans skip breakfast everyday which is not ideal, but you can get away with it every now and again. When it comes to your children however, a good breakfast can be just as important as sending them to school with books and pencils.

We understand that you don’t have time to make a fancy breakfast every morning, because let’s get honest, mornings can be a real circus. This website we found has some great suggestions on how to get that nutrition into your child’s body before the school day starts.

Benefits of Breakfast

“Whether you opt for a simple breakfast or a more elaborate one, any effort to make it nutritious is better than no breakfast at all. “

We agree that breakfast is an important part of the day and this website gives great examples on how to make the mornings a lot easier!

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