Little teeth of America: What you need to know

little kid's teeth


As a parent your job is to protect every aspect of your child’s life and more than likely you will do anything to keep your child out of harm’s way. Something that can easily get overlooked is the state of your child’s teeth.


We have found this incredibly interesting article with the overall status of the little teeth of our country.

By the age of 5 over 60% of children will have experienced dental decay.

The good news is dental decay is easy to prevent. Limiting the amount of sugar your children consume helps tremendously. Switching sugary drinks out for water and replacing high carb foods such as chips with cheeses and vegetables.

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a dental visit by age 1.


Speaking of preventing, this is a really important step. When those teeth come in, your pediatric dentist wants to see them! That first visit is crucial both for the child and the parents.

Your dentist will give you loads of information on how to keep those pearly whites sparkling for years to come and it will give your child a chance to become accustomed to the dentist. It’s a “win” for everyone!


“Tooth decay is the number one chronic infectious disease affecting children in the United States and is on the rise, but is largely preventable.”


For more information and stats visit Little Teeth of America


Our passion is to help you prevent this. Please call our office with any questions or concerns you may have, we are always happy to help!


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