4 Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Ideas for Kids

4 Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Ideas for Kids

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show loved ones you care, and celebrating with your kids can be a really nice tradition. But Valentine’s Day also tends to creep up on you! One day it’s February 1st, and seemingly the next, it’s...
How To Choose a Physical Activity For Your Child

How To Choose a Physical Activity For Your Child

You want your kids to get out there, exercise, and start an active lifestyle, even at a young age. But how do you get your kids started? Signing them up for some sort of recreational activity is a great place to start, but which one should you choose? Every child is...
How to Choose a Toothbrush for Your Child

How to Choose a Toothbrush for Your Child

Choosing a toothbrush — it’s a seemingly simple task that can leave you standing in the pharmacy aisle for a half hour! Your child should be using their toothbrush for at least two minutes, two times per day. How effectively they are able to brush their teeth...
4 Snacks for Healthy Teeth

4 Snacks for Healthy Teeth

Can snacking and healthy teeth go hand-in-hand? Options like candy, cookies, and chips are delicious, but they do not make for good dental health. There’s no need to cut snacking out of your child’s routine, but you can make an effort to ensure the snacks...
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